Camp Time isn’t Island Time. It’s even better.

Pre-Camp Staff Arrival Saturday Evening & Sunday Morning

We will be asking for a head count by Wednesday Night (6/16) so that cooks will have a total number for Saturday Supper and Sunday Breakfast and Lunch.



Counselors and staff are welcome to arrive any time on Saturday to start setting up their cabins and areas. We will start around 5pm playing games and go over some important camp info to help us make this year the best year yet to be a camper at MSBC! We will have BBQ for Supper around 6pm, ask Trina for details.

Sunday Morning

We will kick-off our week with worship at 9:30am after breakfast which will be served at 8:03am. We are having worship a little earlier than normal so that we can make last minute adjustments as needed and give the cooks time to prepare lunch which will be at 11:56am. Campers will begin arriving at 1pm.

Your kids are welcome to come with you.

Feel free to bring your kids Saturday and they can spend the night and worship with us on Sunday.

Our ‘21 Theme Schedule



Separated from the Church Family

How can we show the effects of being separated from the Church Family?

We are going to take a look at Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11, when Peter walks on water in Matthew 14:22-33, and then when Peter denies Jesus in John 18:15-18;22-27.


Separated from God

How can we show our campers what it means to be separated from God?

Things quickly turn bad in this situation. We’ll look at what Judas does in Mark 14:43-50 and then turn to the story of the Golden Calf in Exodus 32:1-35.


Separated from Bad Influences

How do we demonstrate how campers can separate themselves from bad influences in their lives?

Let’s see what happens when 3 guys (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) go against the crowd and stand with God in Daniel 3: 8-30. We’ll draw comparisons with what King David does with Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11: 1-27.


Separated from Sin

How can we teach our campers that sinning is a symptom of being separated from God?

Wrapping up our week of study we’ll take a look at how Joseph reacted to Potiphar’s wife in Genesis 39:1-23 and how Saul became Paul in Acts 8:1-3 and 9:1-19.

Skills We Can Teach at Camp During Free Time

These Times are tentative and may change the day of! We will announce each day and do sign-ups the night before.


Singing Songs 101

We sing every time we come together. Our campers could benefit from learning new songs and a few tips!

Led by: Jon S.

Wed 3:15-4:00 (Mess Hall)

Nail Care with Trina

Come do nail care with Trina L. More information to come!

Led by: Trina L.

Wed 9:55-10:35 (Mess Hall)

Creating Devotionals

Knowing how to create a devotional can be a life changing experience. Life+God=Devo

Led by: Connor H.

Part 1: Mon 9:55-10:35 (Hillside)

Part 2: Thurs 9:55-10:35 (Hillside)

Letter Writing

Everyone should know how to write and mail a letter. We’ll practice the good old fashion skill of writing a letter.

Led By: Kelsey B.

Thurs 10:00-10:40 (Mess Hall)

The Bible Breakdown

The Bible is really a compilation of books, a library, each written differently. What are the differences?

Led by: Daniel L.

Part 1 Tues 9:55-10:40 (Mess Hall)

How to Throw a Knuckle Ball

If you ever find yourself on a baseball field then Daniel has some skills to share. Come join him.

Led by: Daniel L.

Tues 1:15-2:10 (Baseball field)

Scriptures ‘N Pictures

Practice connecting pictures to scripture. What picture could I take to help emphasize the meaning of this passage?

Led by: Will B.

Wed 10:00-10:30 (Hillside)

Relaxing with Lolo

Let’s take a few minutes and focus on relaxing. Come hangout with Lolo and learn some relaxation techniques.

Led by: Lora P.

Mon 9:55-10:40 (Mess Hall)

Calligraphy (Craft Class) $3

I can really make words look like that? You can with Molly!

Led by: Molly D.

Mon 2:40-?? (Craft Shack)

Board Games

Do you know how to play? Nick and Melissa do. It’s going to be an hour of fun!

Led by: Nick and Melissa

Mon 3-4 (Mess Hall)

Hand Quilting(Craft Class) $4

Ask Madison for the details on this timeless craft!

Led by: Madison D.

Part 1 Tues 2:35-?? (Craft Shack)

Part 2 Thurs 2:35-?? (Craft Shack)

Pour Painting (Craft Class) $3

Painting has never been so fun! See Treva for details!

Led by: Treva P.

Wed 2:45-?? (Craft Shack)

Macrame (Craft) $3

Come learn a timeless craft with our head crafter Ashlyn.

Led by: Ashlyn H.

Tues 9:55-10:40 (Craft Shack)

Basic Flower Arranging (Free but could have been $4-5)

Have you ever wanted to make your own flower arrangement? Learn the basics with Heather!

Led by: Heather H.

Wed 12:15-?? (Mess Hall)

Basic Skills for Life

Life is hard. Here are some basic things you need to know to make it easier.

Led by: Beth D.

Tues 12-12:50 (Mess Hall)

Fishing 101

Does the bait matter? How do you tie the hook? How do you cast

Led by: Dustin D.

Thurs 2:40-??

Our Evening Speakers

Sunday Evening

Dylan Wood



Easton Aldridge


José Bermudez


Cameron Crawford


Connor Hawkins

Night Activities in No Particular Order

Balloon Battle


Gross Games

Glow Hunt


Big Ball Soccer


The Boat Race

This is the schedule from 2019 and was used in 2021. Changes are anticipated for 2022.

This is the schedule from 2019 and was used in 2021. Changes are anticipated for 2022.


Who's Doing What?