Go Beyond
Become a Camp Supporter
Sometimes you come across things that are life changing and you want to get involved. You want to do more and become a part of it. If you would like to support Midsummer Bible Camp financially to increase our depth and reach then you can donate here. You can donate via paypal, credit card, or apple pay using the “Donate to MSBC” button.
Donating Offline
If you would like to donate offline you can do so by sending a check to Chapel Hill Church of Christ at 1050 Chapel Hill Road, White Bluff, TN 37187 with “MSBC” or Midsummer Bible Camp” in the memo line. You can also bring a check or cash to camp at camper drop-off or pick-up.
Become a Prayer Warrior for MSBC
Pray for our camp. Pray that our ministry is successful in reaching the hearts and souls of our campers. Pray that our staff will be shining examples to our youth. Pray that all of our campers and staff will be safe throughout our camp week. Pray that our campers take what they learn and share it with the world. Pray that everyone involved with camp is uplifted and brought closer to God.
Help us advocate for Midsummer Bible Camp!
Are you on instagram? Follow us there! Share our story in a simple way and help share our love for Christ. Tag us in your camp prep and camp photos! Find us on instagram @midsummer_bible_camp